
🌱 來自: Folate deficiency

methylmalonic acid

  1. Methylmalonic acid (MMA) is a chemical compound found in the body.
  2. Elevated levels of MMA can indicate vitamin B12 deficiency.
  3. MMA testing is used to diagnose and monitor certain medical conditions.
  4. MMA levels can be affected by age, diet, and kidney function.
  5. High MMA levels have been linked to an increased risk of mortality.
  6. MMA is produced during the breakdown of certain amino acids.
  7. The normal range for MMA in blood or urine varies depending on the laboratory and method used for testing.
  8. MMA testing may also be used to evaluate newborns for metabolic disorders.
  9. Treatment for elevated MMA levels typically involves addressing underlying causes such as vitamin deficiencies or kidney disease.
  10. Research suggests that monitoring MMA levels may help improve outcomes in patients with certain medical conditions, including chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus type 2.