Evaluation for the presence of heart failure

  • CXR (see Radiology insert):
    • pulm edema,
    • pleural effusions ± cardiomegaly,
    • cephalization,
    • Kerley B-lines;
  • lung U/S better than CXR (PPV & NPV 92% vs. 77%; Chest 2015;148:202)
  • BNP and NT-proBNP can help exclude HF;
  • Evidence of ↓ organ perfusion:
    • ↑ Cr,
    • ↓ Na,
    • abnl LFTs
  • Echo (see inserts):
    • ↓ EF & ↑ chamber size → systolic dysfxn; hypertrophy,
    • abnl MV inflow,
    • abnl tissue Doppler → ? diastolic dysfxn; abnl valves or pericardium; ↑ estimated RVSP
  • PA catheterization:
    • ↑ PCWP,
    • ↓ CO,
    • and ↑ SVR (in low-output failure)