What are the most commonly encountered fever patterns

  • Sustained or continued (little variability from day to day): this used to be the pattern of lobar pneumonia , steady until abruptly resolving by either crisis or death. Nowadays, a sustained pattern is mostly seen in gram-negative sepsis , but also in central nervous system (CNS) diseases.
  • Intermittent: with complete resolution between episodes (see later).
  • Remittent: abating every day, but still not completely resolving. This used to be the pattern of typhoid fever .
  • Relapsing: with a series of febrile attacks, each lasting several days, and all separated by afebrile intervals of about the same length. A relapsing fever is usually infectious (brucellosis, borreliosis, or relapsing typhoid, but also tuberculosis [TB]), but can occur in Hodgkin’s disease or familial Mediterranean fever.


  • 持續或持續(每天變化很小):這曾經是大葉性肺炎的模式,穩定,直到突然因危機或死亡而消退。 如今,持續模式主要見於革蘭氏陰性膿毒症,但也見於中樞神經系統 (CNS) 疾病。
  • 間歇性:在劇集之間完全解決(見下文)。
  • 緩解:每天都在減輕,但仍未完全解決。 這曾經是傷寒的模式。
  • 復發:伴隨一系列發熱發作,每次持續數天,且均以大致相同長度的無發熱間隔分開。回歸熱通常具有傳染性(布魯氏菌病、疏螺旋體病或複發性傷寒,還有結核病 [TB]),但也可能發生在霍奇金病或家族性地中海熱中。

hectic fever Pel-Ebstein fever factitious fever