Drug Treatment-lipid disorders

Drug ↓ LDL ↓ TG Side Effects/Comments

statins 30–60% 10–25%

Ezetimibe ~24% —

Well tolerated

Bempedoic acid ~16% —

Hyperuricemia/gout; ↓ eGFR. CVOT under way.

PCSK9i 50–60% 15–25%

mAb inj SC q2-4w or siRNA inj SC q6mo

Fibrates 5–15% 35–50%

Myopathy risk ↑ w/ statin. ↑ Cr; ✓ renal fxn q6mo.

Ω-3 FA 5% ↑ 25–50%

EPA & DHA at doses of up to 4 g/d No benefit to low-dose supplementation

Resins ↓ LDL-C by ~20%, but not well tolerated; niacin ↑ HDL-C and ↓ TG & LDL-C; no effect on CV outcomes.