
Glasgow-Blatchford scores range from 0 to 23, with higher scores indicating higher risk. Positive predictive values were calculated in a study by Laursen et al.0 Among 2305 patients presenting to a hospital with upper gastrointestinal bleeding, 313 (14%) had a score of O (positive predictive value, 99.0%), 562 (24%) had a score of O or 1 (positive predictive value, 98.8%), and 588 (26%) had a score of O to 2 and were younger than 70 years of age (positive predictive value, 99.0%). To convert the values for blood urea nitrogen to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.357.


Glasgow-Blatchford 評分範圍為 0 到 23,評分越高表明風險越高。

Values at Admission

Blood urea nitrogen mg/dl

  • Hemoglobin —
  • Heart rate beats/min
  • Melena
  • Syncope
  • Hepatic disease according to history or clinical and laboratory evidence
  • Cardiac failure according to history or clinical and echocardiographic evidence 根據病史或臨床和實驗室證據顯示的肝病 根據病史或臨床和超聲心動圖證據顯示的心力衰竭