
🌱 來自: breast cancer

Histology-of-breast cancer

  • Ductal:
    • Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) comprises 75% of all breast CAs
      • Unilateral
      • Mostly unifocal
  • Lobular (ILC):
    • 10% of breast CAs, a/w germline or somatic CDH1 mts. Difficult to detect on MMG. Increased frequency of multifocal & bilateral dz, equivalent prog to IDC
  • Mucinous, medullary breast cancer, papillary, adenocystic:
    • Favorable prog
  • Metaplastic: Extremely unfav. prog
  • Phyllodes tumor
    • Composed of stromal & epithelial elements; tx is → surgery w/ margins > 1 cm; ALND; adj. RT, or adj. chemo not indicated
  • TILs: