
  • Plain radiographs: normal early in disease; lytic lesions seen after 2–6 wk
  • MRI: preferred imaging study (overall Se 90%, Sp 82%; Archives 2007;167:125)
  • CT: can demonstrate periosteal reaction and cortical and medullary destruction
  • CT & MRI very Se but ↓ Sp; false ⊕ if contig focus w/ periosteal reaction, Charcot Δs
  • Radionuclide imaging: very Se but non-Sp (false ⊕ if soft-tissue inflammation)

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  1. Plain x-rays: normal in the beginning stages of the disease; after 2-6 weeks, lytic lesions can be seen.
  2. MRI: the preferred imaging study. It is very accurate in identifying the disease (overall Se 90%, Sp 82%).
  3. CT: can show periosteal reaction, cortical and medullary destruction.
  4. CT and MRI are very accurate in identifying the disease, but can sometimes give false positive results if there is a contigous focus with periosteal reaction or Charcot lesions.
  5. Radionuclide imaging: very accurate in identifying the disease, but can sometimes give false positive results if there is soft-tissue inflammation.


  1. X線平片:發病初期正常; 2-6 週後,可見溶解性病變。
  2. MRI:首選影像學檢查。它在識別疾病方面非常準確(總體 Se 90%,Sp 82%)。
  3. CT:可顯示骨膜反應,皮質和髓質破壞。
  4. CT和MRI對疾病的鑑別非常準確,但如果有鄰近病灶伴有骨膜反應或Charcot病變,有時會出現假陽性結果。 5.放射性核素顯像:對疾病的鑑別非常準確,但如果有軟組織炎症,有時會出現假陽性結果。