
🌱 來自: ESMO Checklist

ESMO Checklist_Gynaecologic Cancer

Past Personal Medical History and Vascular Risk Factors

Other Cancers

Family Cancer History

Gynaecological History

  • Past Gyneco Surgery
  • Pregnancy
  • Childbirth
  • Fertility Preserving Procedures
  • Hormonal Therapy

Pap Test and HPV Status

  • Including HPV Vaccination

Past Surgical and RT History

Concurrent Medication


Smoking History

  • <> packs/year from age <> to age <>

Alcohol Consumption

Normal Weight

  • Height:
  • BMI:

Present Medical Conditions (Date: <>/<>/<>)

  • Main Symptoms:
  • Weight Loss:
  • ECOG Performance Status:
  • Pain (Scale):
  • Other Relevant Clinical Conditions:

Diagnosis and Clinical Staging (Date: <>/<>/<>)

  • CA 125
  • BRCA2/1 Status
  • Nodal Staging

Imaging and Scans

  • CT (Date: <>/<>/<>)
  • MRI (Date: <>/<>/<>)
  • PET/CT (Date: <>/<>/<>)
  • Ultrasound (Date: <>/<>/<>)
  • Technetium Bone Scan (Date: <>/<>/<>)
  • Whole Body CT Scan (Date: <>/<>/<>)
  • Abdomen MRI (Date: <>/<>/<>)
  • PET/CT (Date: <>/<>/<>)

Staging for Metastases

  • TNM Stage and Grade (Date: <>/<>/<>)

Histological Analysis (Date: <>/<>/<>)

  • Biopsy
  • Surgery: Histology, Grade, ER, HER2, MSI Status, LVSI
  • Genetic Testing: BRCA2/1, HRD, p53
  • pTNM Staging
  • FIGO Staging

Timeline for Further Work-Up

  • Checked and tight enough: YES/NO

MDT Discussion and Decision (Date: <>/<>/<>)

  • Surgery
  • Adjuvant Medical Therapy
  • Neo-adjuvant Medical Therapy
  • Chemoradiotherapy
  • 1st Line of Metastatic Therapy
  • 2nd Line of Metastatic Therapy
  • 3rd and Later Lines of Metastatic Therapy
  • Palliative ST (Bones, CNS)
  • Supportive and Palliative Care
  • Enrolment in a Clinical Trial
  • Compassionate Use/Expanded Access Programme

Treatment Options

  • Discussed with the patient and strategy accepted: YES/NO