
myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) overview

(Lancet 2014;383:2239)

  • Acquired clonal stem cell disorder → ineffective hematopoiesis → cytopenias, dysmorphic blood cells and precursors, variable risk of leukemic transformation

  • Epidemiology: 20–30,000 cases/y; median age ~70 y; male predominance (1.8×)

  • Idiopathic or 2° to chemo w/ alkylating agents; ↑ risk w/ radiation, benzene

  • Clinical manifestations:

    • anemia (85%),
    • neutropenia (50%),
    • thrombocytopenia (40–65%)
  • Diagnosis:

    • dysplasia (usually multilineage) in peripheral smear
      • oval macrocytes,
      • pseudo-Pelger-Huët anomaly
    • and bone marrow (≥10% dysplasia with blasts ± RS)
  • Both

    • cytogenetic [eg, del(5q), mono 7, del(7q), trisomy 8, del(20q)] and
    • molecular abnl (TP53, EZH2, ETV6, RUNX1, ASXL1, SF3B1, DNMT3A) may carry prognostic signif
  • Prior to dx MDS:

    • exclude AML (≥20% blasts) and
    • CMML (monos >1 × 109/L);
    • r/o 2° BM Δs (defic. of B12, folate, copper);
    • viral infxn (eg, HIV); EtOH; lead, arsenic exposures