Stages of CKD
KDIGO 2012 (Kid Int 2013;3[Suppl]:5)
GFR Stage GFR mL/min/1.73 m2 : Goals
1 (nl or ↑ GFR) >90
Dx/Rx of underlying condition & comorbidities, slow progression; cardiovascular risk reduction
2 (mild) 60-89
Estimate progression
3a (mild-mod) 45-59
Evaluate and treat complications
3b (mod-severe) 30-44
Evaluate and treat complications
4 (severe) 15-29
Prepare for renal replacement therapy (RRT)
5 (kidney failure) <15 or dialysis
Dialysis if uremic/volume overload; Tx
Albuminuria stage
- based on albuminuria (mg/d) or spot urine alb (mg) to Cr (g) ratio
- Stages: A1 = <30 (normal/mild); A2 = 30-300 (moderate); A3 = >300 (severe)