
Diagnostic and staging evaluation of multiple myeloma

BM plasma cells ≥10% or bx-proven plasmacytoma

& ≥1 MM-defining event

  • myeloma-related organ or tissue impairment (ROTI) = lytic bone lesions, Ca >11 mg/dL, Cr >2 mg/dL, or Hb <10 g/dL

  • any of the following biomarkers: BM plasma cells ≥60%, serum free light chain (FLC) ratio ≥100:1, >1 focal lesion on MRI


  1. Solitary bone or extramedullary plasmacytoma: no periph plasmacytosis or other ROTI
  2. Plasma cell leukemia: plasma cell count >2000/µL in peripheral blood
  3. Nonsecretory MM (~2% of MM Pts; MM without M protein)

BM bx cytogenetics

  • normal karyotype better than abnl.
  • Standard risk 🟢 = hyperdiploidy or t(11;14);
  • high risk 🔴 = hypodiploidy, del. 17p13 (~10% of Pts), t(4;14) & t(4;16).

  • Skeletal survey (plain X-rays) : to identify lytic bone lesions and areas at ↣ risk for pathologic fracture.
  • Whole-body PET-CT (scalp to toe) or MRI often used to detect bone lesions.
