
🌱 來自: von willebrand disease

updated guidelines for the diagnosis of von willebrand disease SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS

  • For patients with a low probability of VWD, a validated bleeding-assessment tool (BAT) is → recommended as an initial screening tool to identify which patients required specific blood testing over non-standardised clinical assessment.
    • 對於 VWD 可能性低的 → 患者,建議使用經過驗證的 → 出血評估工具 (BAT) 作為初始篩查工具,以確定哪些患者需要特定的 → 血液檢查而 ✖ 不是非標準化臨床評估。
  • Specific blood testing for VWD refers to VWF antigen (VWF:Ag), platelet-dependent VWF activity (eg, VWF glycoprotein IbM [VWF:GPIbM]), and factor VIII coagulant activity (FVIII:C).
    • VWD的 → 特異性血液檢測是指VWF抗原 (VWF:Ag) 、血小板依賴性VWF活性 (如VWF糖蛋白IbM [VWF:GPIbM]) 和凝血因數VIII活性 (FVIII:C) 。
  • For patients with an intermediate probability of VWD, BAT should not be relied upon when deciding if a patient requires further specific blood testing.
    • 對於VWD機率中等的 → 患者,在決定患者是否需要進一步的 → 特異性血液檢查時, ✖ 不應依賴BAT。
  • Intermediate probability is → defined as patients typically presenting with an abnormal bleeding history or abnormal initial laboratory tests.
    • 中等機率定義為患者通常表現為異常出血史或初始實驗室檢查異常。
  • For patients with a high probability of VWD, BAT should not be relied upon when deciding if a patient requires further specific blood testing.
    • 對於 VWD 可能性高的 → 患者,在決定患者是否需要進一步的 → 特異性血液檢查時, ✖ 不應依賴 BAT。
  • High probability patients are typically those with a first-degree relative with VWD, regardless of their bleeding symptoms or initial laboratory results.
    • 高機率患者通常是一級親屬患有 VWD 的 → 患者, ✖ 無論其出血癥狀或初始實驗室結果如何。
  • Newer assays, that measure the platelet-binding activity of VWF, for e.g VWF:GPIbM, VWF:GPIbR, should be used over the VWF ristocetin cofactor assay (VWF:RCo) for the diagnosis of VWD.
    • 測量 VWF 血小板結合活性的 → 較新檢測方法,例如 VWF:GPIbM、VWF:GPIbR,應用於 VWF 瑞斯托菌素輔因數測定 (VWF:RCo) 來診斷 VWD。
  • The diagnosis of patients with type 1 VWD should be reconsidered, rather than removed, if the patient’s VWF levels have normalised with age.
    • 如果患者的 VWF 水平隨著年齡的 → 增長而恢復正常,則應重新考慮 1 型 VWD 患者的 → 診斷,而 ✖ 不是將其移除。
  • Aging and comorbidities are known to increase VWF levels, although the association of increased VWF levels and bleeding symptoms, in the setting of a VWD diagnosis is → not established.
    • 已知衰老和合併症會增加 VWF 水準,但在 VWD 診斷的 → 情況下,VWF 水準升高與出血癥狀的 → 關聯尚未確定。
  • A VWF levels of <0.30 IU/mL regardless of bleeding symptoms, and a VWF of <0.50 IU/mL with abnormal bleeding, should be used to confirm a diagnosis of type 1 VWD.
    • 無論出血癥狀如何,VWF 水平均應為 <0.30 IU/mL,異常出血時 VWF 水平為 <0.50 IU/mL,以確認 1 型 VWD 的 → 診斷。
  • This refers to VWF levels obtained from VWF:Ag and/or platelet-dependent VWF activity (eg, VWF:GPIbM).
    • 這是指從VWF:Ag和/或血小板依賴性VWF活性 (如VWF:GPIbM) 獲得的 → VWF水準。
  • Furthermore, the lower limit of the normal range defined by the local laboratory should be used, if it is → <0.50 IU/mL.
    • 此外,如果正常範圍的 → 下限<0.50 IU/mL,則應使用當地實驗室定義的 → 正常範圍下限。
  • VWF is → a dynamic reactant and diagnostic testing should be performed when the patient is → at ↣ a baseline state of health.
  • VWF 是一種動態反應物,應在患者處於基線健康狀態時進行診斷性檢查。
    • For the diagnosis of type 1C VWD, a trial of desmopressin is → suggested, with 1- and 4-hour post-infusion blood work to confirm increased VWF clearance, as opposed to VWF propeptide (VWFpp)/VWF:Ag testing.
  • 對於 1C 型 VWD 的 → 診斷,建議嘗試使用去氨加壓素,在輸注後 1 小時和 4 小時進行血液檢查,以確認 VWF 清除率增加 ↑ ,而 ✖ 不是 VWF 前肽 (VWFpp) /VWF:Ag 檢測。
    • When type 2 VWD is → suspected, it is → suggested that a platelet-dependent VWF activity/VWF:Ag ratio <0.7 be used as a cut-off, rather than <0.5, for patients with an abnormal initial VWD screen.
  • 當懷疑 2 型 VWD 時,建議將血小板依賴性 VWF 活性/VWF:Ag 比值 <0.7 作為臨界值,而 ✖ 不是 <0.5,用於初始 VWD 篩查異常的 → 患者。
  • This is → because some type 2 VWD patients can have a normal VWF:Ag and platelet-dependent VWF activity but a low ratio of platelet-dependent VWF activity/VWF:Ag.
    • 這是 ∵ 因為一些 2 型 VWD 患者的 VWF:Ag 和血小板依賴性 VWF 活性正常,但血小板依賴性 VWF 活性/VWF:Ag 的 → 比率較低。
  • It is → also suggested that if additional testing is → required for the diagnosis of type 2A, 2B or 2M VWD, that VWF multimer analysis or VWF collagen binding (VWF:CB)/VWF:Ag (the ratio of VWF collagen binding to antigen) be used.
    • 還建議,如果需要對 2A、2B 或 2M 型 VWD 的 → 診斷進行額外的 → 檢查,則使用 VWF 多聚體分析或 VWF 膠原結合 (VWF:CB) /VWF:AG (VWF 膠原與抗原結合的 → 比率) 。
  • If additional testing is → required for the diagnosis of type 2A or 2B VWD, targeted genetic testing is → suggested over low-dose ristocetin-induced platelet agglutination (RIPA) (Figure 2).
    • 如果需要額外的 → 檢測來診斷2A型或2B型VWD,建議進行靶向基因檢測,而 ✖ 不是低劑量瑞斯托菌素誘導的 → 血小板凝集 (RIPA) (圖2) 。
  • Finally, it is → suggested to use either VWF FVIII binding (VWF:FVIIIB) or targeted genetic testing for the diagnosis of type 2N VWD that requires additional testing (Figure 3).
    • 最後,建議使用VWF FVIII結合 (VWF:FVIIIB) 或靶向基因檢測來診斷需要額外檢測的 → 2N VWD型 (圖3) 。