
🌱 來自: critical airway

pharmacology-of-critical airway


  • 3-5 mins prior to intubation for High ICP
  • Fentanyl 3 mcg/kg
  • Lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg

Push dose Epinephrine

  • 1:100000 Epi (10 mcg/mL) 0.5-2 mL g 1-5min
  • 1:1000 Epi 1mL. + 9 mL NS 1:10000 Epi
  • 1:10000 Epi 1mL + 9 mL NS1:100000 Epi

Hypotensive patients or patients with shock index > 0.8

  • Volume load 10-20 ml/kg,
  • Push dose Epinephrine.
  • 1/4 to 1/2 dose of induction agent: Etomidate or Ketamine.
  • Higher dose of paralysis: Succinylcholine or Rocuronium

Contraindication to Succinylcholine

  • Malignant hyperthermia history
  • Strokes with hemiparesis > 72 hours
  • ICU stay > 2 weeks
  • Burns/trauma > 72 hours o NMJ disease
  • Myopathies/Muscular dystrophies
  • Hyperkalaemia(known or suspected)
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Penetrating eye injury and acute glaucoma

RSI Drug (1.5 Rule)

Etomidate0.3 mg/kg< 30 s5-10 min
Ketamine1-2 mg/kg30-60 s15-20 min
Propofol1-2 mg/kg< 30 s5-10 min
Succinylcholine1-2 mg/kg< 1 min5-10 min
Rocuronium1-1.2 mg/kg1-1.5 min40-60 min
Sugammadex16 mg/kg2 minNMBA reversal

Note: “NMBA reversal” in the duration column for Sugammadex indicates that it is used for the reversal of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs), rather than having a specific duration of action like the other drugs listed.

Post intubation anagelsia