
🌱 來自: platelet disorders

Normal platelet function-hemostasis

  • Production:
    • Regulated by hormone TPO secreted from liver & acting on megakaryocytes in BM;
    • 1 × 1011 produced daily, circulate for 7-10 d
  • Adhesion:
    • Endothelial injury → plt activation & binding via GPIb-IX to VWF or via GPVI, integrin α2β1 to the subendothelial matrix (eg, collagen)
  • Aggregation:
    • Activated GPIIb-IIIa binds VWF & fibrinogen to form clumps → ADP & serotonin released from granules → additional plt recruited
  • Pseudothrombocytopenia:
    • Falsely ↓ plt count due to plt clumping, seen on peripheral smear; mgmt: Collect blood in non-EDTA, citrate-or heparin-containing tube