
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Dissociative Disorders🚧 施工中

Dissociative Disorders

•   Dissociative amnesia: Episodes of inability to remember salient details about one’s self. Retrograde amnesia most common

•   Dissociative fugue: Sudden, unexpected, and purposeful travel with inability to recall one’s identity or past (think “fugitive” with new identity). Unaware of amnesia and does not recall the period of fugue. Low anxiety despite confusion. Associated with trauma, war exposure.

•   Depersonalization: Sense of disconnection from one’s self/body/actions. Often vague/difficult for one to describe.

•   Derealization: Sense of disconnection from reality/one’s surroundings. Feeling of “unreality.” Often vague/difficult for one to describe.