
Laboratory Abnormalities of HBV Clinical Presentation

  • Transaminase elevation:

    • 1/3 normal transaminase levels,
    • only 25% have > 2x ULN,
    • poor correlation between transaminase elevation and liver history.
  • Otherwise, no specific lab abnormalities except when cirrhotic or hepatic decompensation:

    • low albumin,
    • elevated bilirubin,
    • AST/ALT ratio >1,
    • low platelet count,
    • cryoglobulinemia.
  • 急性 B 型肝炎感染診斷(第三類法定傳染病,需 1 周內通報)

    • 同時具有以下條件:
      • 急性肝炎症狀或肝功能異常(ALT≥100 IU/)
      • 血清學 HBsAg 抗原檢測陽性
      • 排除慢性肝炎急性發作或其他原因引起之肝功能異常發炎
      • 血清學 B 型肝炎 IgM 核心抗體(IgM anti-HBc)檢測陽性

see also 👉 Serologic and virologic tests