
(JACC 2017;69:805)

  • Normal patterns may include LVH, RVH, early repolarization
  • Evaluate if: arrhythmia, HR <30, ↑ QT, ε/δ waves, LBBB, Brugada pattern, QRS >140 ms, PR >400 ms, Mobitz II, 3˚ AVB, ST depression, TWI

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  • Exercise-induced RVH is normal
  • Exercise-induced ST-T changes are normal
  1. ECGs in young athletes may show normal patterns including LVH, RVH, and early repolarization.

  2. If any of the following are present, further evaluation is needed: arrhythmia, HR <30, ↑ QT, ε/δ waves, LBBB, Brugada pattern, QRS > 120 ms.

  3. Exercise-induced RVH is normal.

  4. Exercise-induced ST-T changes are normal.


  • 運動引起的 RVH 是正常的
  • 運動引起的 ST-T 改變是正常的
  1. 年輕運動員的 ECG 可能顯示正常模式,包括 LVH、RVH 和早期復極化。

  2. 如果存在以下任何一項,則需要進一步評估:心律失常、HR <30、↑ QT、ε/δ波、LBBB、Brugada 型、QRS > 120 ms。

  3. 運動引起的 RVH 是正常的。

  4. 運動引起的 ST-T 改變是正常的。