🌱 created from: anal cancer


  • Symptoms:
    • 45% rectal bleeding,
    • 30% symptoms of mass incl. pain & tenesmus
  • At presentation:
    • 50% of CAs are localized at presentation (80% 5-y OS);
    • 29% have regional LN involvement (60% 5-y OS);
    • 12% present w/ distant mets (31% 5-y OS)
  • Stepwise model of premalignant LSIL → high-grade SIL → CA is less validated compared to cervical neoplasia & progression rates are slower (Lancet Oncol 2012;13:487)
  • Anatomic zones separated by anorectal ring & anal verge:
    • Anal canal → between anorectal ring & anal verge;
    • anal margin→ includes anal verge & 6 cm radius of surrounding skin
  • Figure 16-3 Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology. 9th edition. 2011.
  • LN drainage_of_clinical_manifestations_of_anal_cancer
  • Met sites_of_clinical_manifestations_of_anal_cancer