Hepatitis C
(ssRNA; ~10% of acute viral hepatitis in U.S.; Lancet 2015;385:1124)
Recommended First-Line Oral Direct-Acting Antiviral (DAA) Regimens
Transmission: blood (IVDU, transfusion before 1992) >sexual; 20-30% w/o clear precipitant
Incubation: 1-5 mo; mean 6-7 wk
Chronic: up to 85% → chronic hepatitis, 20-30% of whom develop cirrhosis (after ~20 y) ↑ risk of cirrhosis in men, EtOH, HIV; HCC in 1-4% of Pts w/ cirrhosis per year
hepatitis C virus recommended First-Line Oral Direct-Acting Antiviral (DAA) Regimens