Clinical manifestations-clostridioides difficile infection

  • Asx colonization: <3% healthy adults; ~20% in hospitalized patients on antibiotics
  • Acute watery diarrhea (>3 stool/d), occ bloody ± mucus, lower abd pain, fever, ↑↑↑ WBC
  • Pseudomembranous colitis: above sx + pseudomembranes + bowel wall thickening
  • Fulminant colitis (2–3%): toxic megacolon (colonic atony/absence of BMs, colon dilatation ≥6 cm on KUB, systemic toxicity) and/or bowel perforation
  • Clostridioides difficile - sanford guide
  • Zar score

Explain by ChatGPT

  • Clostridioides difficile infection is a infection caused by a bacteria.
  • Asx colonization is when the bacteria is present in the body, and is found in 3% of healthy adults, and 20% of hospitalized patients who are on antibiotics.
  • Acute watery diarrhea is a symptom of the infection, as well as pseudomembranous colitis, which is when there is inflammation of the colon, and pseudomembranes, which are false membranes, present in the colon.
  • Fulminant colitis is when the infection is more severe, and can cause toxic megacolon, which is when the colon doesn’t work properly, and/or bowel perforation, which is when there is a hole in the bowel.


  • 艱難梭菌感染是由細菌引起的感染。
  • Asx 定植是指細菌存在於體內,在 3% 的健康成年人和 20% 的接受抗生素治療的住院患者中發現。
  • 急性水樣腹瀉是感染的症狀,還有偽膜性結腸炎,當結腸有炎症時,偽膜是假膜,存在於結腸中。
  • 暴發性結腸炎是指感染更嚴重時,會導致中毒性巨結腸(結腸無法正常工作)和/或腸穿孔(腸道有孔)。