Pituitary tumors

  • Pathophysiology:
    • adenoma → excess of trophic hormone (if tumor fxnal, but 30–40% not) and potentially deficiencies in other trophic hormones due to compression;
    • cosecretion of PRL and growth hormone in 10% of prolactinomas
  • Clinical manifestations:
    • specific syndromes due to oversecretion of hormones (see below) ±
    • non-specific mass effect:
      • headache,
      • visual Δs,
      • diplopia,
      • cranial neuropathies
  • Workup:
    • MRI brain pituitary protocol,
    • hormone levels,
    • ± visual field testing if <10 mm,
    • no mass effect,
    • no hormone overproduction,
    • can f/up in 12 mos