
🌱 來自: Raynaud phenomenon

Treatment of Raynaud phenomenon

(Curr Opin Rheumatol 2021;33:453; Clin Rheumatol 2019;38:3317)

  • All:
    • avoid cold, maintain warmth of digits & body;
    • avoid cigarettes, sympathomimetics, caffeine, & trauma;
    • abx for infected ulceration
  • Mild-mod:
    • long-acting CCB,
    • topical nitrates,
    • SSRI,
    • ARB,
    • α-blockers,
    • ASA/clopidogrel
  • Severe:
    • PDE inhibitors,
    • anti-ET-1 receptor (if ulcers esp. w/ PHT),
    • digital sympathectomy
  • Digit-threatening:
    • IV prostaglandins,
    • digital sympathectomy,
    • ± anticoagulation