
octreotide 🚧

Sandostatin Injection” 100 mcg octreotide/1 mL/amp


SC (preferred), IV (over 3 mins), IVF (in NS or D5W 50 - 200 mL; infuse over 15 to 30 mins)

  • Acromegaly, inadequate response to or ineligible for surgery, radiation, or bromocriptine mesylate: Initial, SC/IV 50mcg tid; maintenance, SC/IV 100- 500mcg tid.

  • Carcinoid syndrome, metastatic, symptomatic treatment: Initial, 100- 600 mcg/day in 2-4 divided doses for 2wks; maintenance, 450 mcg/day (range 50-1500 mcg).

  • VIPomas (Vasoactive intestinal peptide-secreting tumor) associated diarrhea: Initial, 200-300 mcg/day in 2-4 divided doses for 2wks (range 150- 750 mcg/day); then adjust dosage on an individual basis, usually ≦450 mcg/day.

  • Complications following pancreatic surgery: SC, 100 mcg tid for 7 successive days, starting on the day of operation at least 1hr before laparotomy.

  • Esophageal varices bleeding (unlabeled use):


25-100 mcg IV bolus (usually: 50 mcg = 半支) followed by contnuous IVF 25-50 mcg/hr for 2-5 days. 血沒停,可再打半支 bolus


Dosage in renal impairment:

  • Mild to severe impairment: No dosage adjustment data available.
  • Dialysis-dependent impairment: A dosage adjustment may be needed since clearance is reduced by ~50%.

Dosage in hepatic impairment:

No dosage adjustment provided in manufacturer’s labeling. Half-life is prolonged and total body clearance is decreased in patients with cirrhosis and fatty liver disease.


  • For direct IV, octreotide should be administered undiluted over 3 min.
  • For intermittent IV infusion, octreotide may be diluted in 50- 200 mL NS or D5W and infused over 15-30 min.