
Definition of gastrointestinal bleeding

  • Intraluminal blood loss anywhere from the oropharynx to the anus
  • Classification: upper = above the ligament of Treitz; lower = below the ligament of Treitz
  • “Severe” GIB: defined as having associated shock, orthostatic hypotension, ↓ Hct by 6% (or ↓ Hb by 2 g/dL), or requiring transfusion ≥2U PRBCs. Requires hospitalization.

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The first line states that gastrointestinal bleeding is:defined as intraluminal blood loss anywhere from the oropharynx to the anus. The oropharynx is:the part of the throat that is:behind the mouth. The second line states that there are two types of gastrointestinal bleeding, upper and lower. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is:defined as bleeding above the ligament of Treitz, while lower gastrointestinal bleeding is: defined as bleeding below the ligament of Treitz. The third line states that severe gastrointestinal bleeding is:defined as having associated shock, orthostatic hypotension, or a decrease in hemoglobin by 2 g/dL. Orthostatic hypotension is:a type of low blood pressure that occurs when a person stands up from a lying or sitting position. The fourth line states that severe gastrointestinal bleeding requires hospitalization.


第一行指出,胃腸道出血定義 為:口咽到肛門任何部位的腔內失血

  • 口咽 是:腔後面的喉嚨部分
  • 第二行指出有兩種類型的消化道出血,上消化道出血和下消化道出血
  • 上消化道出血定義 為:Treitz 韌帶以上出血,而下消化道出血定義 為:Treitz 韌帶以下出血
  • 第三行指出,嚴重胃腸道出血定義 為:有休克、體位性低血壓或血紅蛋白減少 2 g/dL
  • 體位性低血壓 是:種低血壓,當人從躺著或坐著的姿勢站起來時會發生這種情況
  • 第四行指出嚴重的消化道出血需要住院治療