

Outcome of patients with relapsed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma who fail second-line salvage regimens in the International CORAL study - PubMed

    • Design: Phase - III
    • Multicenter trial
    • Not reported if randomized or open-label/blind
    • Number of patients: 203
    • Patients characteristics: Patients with relapsed and refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma who could not proceed to autologous stem cell transplantation
    • Agent:
    • Intervention: Salvage chemotherapy
    • Control: Not reported
    • Dose: Not reported
    • Treatment line: Third-line treatment
    • Trial Acronym (if provided) or NCTId Number: CORAL trial (Collaborative Trial in Relapsed Aggressive Lymphoma)
    • Comparison of outcomes:
OutcomeThird-line chemotherapy (%)Transplanted (%)
PFS)Not reportedNot reported
OS)4.4 months1-year OS of 41.6% for transplanted vs. 16.3% for not transplanted
RR)39% overall response rate, 27% CR/CRu, 12% PRNot reported