
Screening and confirmation of diagnosis of Clinical suspicion of Cushing

  • 24-h urinary free cortisol excretion increased above normal (>2x)
  • Dexamethasone overnight fest
    • (Plasma cortisol >50 nmol/L at ↣ 8-9 am after 1 mg dexamethasone at ↣ 11 pm)
    • 子時 Dexa 1mg、今辰時大於 50: 沒抑制成功、表示陽
  • Midnight salivary cortisol >5 nmol/L (22x)

  • If further confirmation needed ldesired:
    • Low dose DEX test (Plasma cortisol >50 nmolL afer 0.5 mg DEX q6h for 2 days or a single dose of 8 mg overnight)