Diagnosis-necrotizing soft-tissue infections

  • Clinical dx is sufficient to initiate urgent surgical exploration
  • Aspiration of necrotic center; BCx; Gram stain; lactate, AST, & CK for deep tissue necrosis
  • Imaging: noncontrast CT, but do not delay Rx/surgery (Arch Surg 2010;145:452)
  • Microbiologic dx from Gram stain and culture of surgical specimens

LRINEC score: 主要是Lab的參考

  • If high suspicion for necrotizing fasciitis through clinical history and physical exam, do not calculate a LRINEC score and go straight to operative debridement.
  • Note: Use with caution, as the LRINEC Score has performed poorly in external validation, most recently in Neeki 2017.
  • 如果通過臨床病史和physical exam高度懷疑壞死性筋膜炎,則不要計算 LRINEC 評分並直接進行手術清創。
  • 項目:C-reactive protein, white blood cell (count), Na, creatinine, Gluose