
Other early adjunctive therapy of acute coronary syndromes

  • High-intensity statin therapy (eg, at ↣ orva 80 mg qd; PROVE-IT TIMI 22, NEJM 2004;350:1495);
    • ↓ ischemic events w/ benefit emerging w/in wks (JAMA 2001;285:1711 & JACC 2005;46:1405);
    • ↓ peri-PCI MI (JACC 2010;56:1099);
    • ? ↓ contrast-induced nephropathy (NEJM 2019;380:2156)
  • Ezetimibe:
    • ↓ CV events when added to statin (IMPROVE-IT, NEJM 2015;372:2387)
    • start once hemodynamics and renal function stable (hold if anticipate CABG)
    • Strong indication for ACEI/ARB if
    • heart failure,
    • EF <40%,
    • HTN,
    • DM,
    • CKD; ~10% ↓ mortality,
    • greatest benefit in ant. STEMI or prior MI (Lancet 1994;343:1115 & 1995;345:669)
    • IABP as early adjunctive therapy of acute coronary syndromes 󰒖: can be used for refractory angina when PCI not available