🌱 created from: anal cancer


  • Estimated 9,090 new cases & 1,430 deaths in 2021 (American Cancer Society)
  • Increasing incidence (1.9-fold for men, 1.5 for women) from 1970s to 2000s
  • association with
    • HPV,
    • receptive anal intercourse,
    • MSM,
    • STD,
    • cervical/vulvovaginal CA,
    • immunosuppression (transplant or HIV),
    • hematologic malignancy,
    • AI d/os,
    • smoking
  • HPV (dsDNA nonenveloped virus) is the #1 causative agent;
    • HPV DNA detected in 84% of specimens (commonly HPV-16, HPV-18)
  • HPV prevalence is ↑ in MSM pop
    • (detectable in 1/3 of HIV+ men & 1/8 of HIV− men)
  • HAART ↑ HIV-assoc survival
    • but does not impact progression of anal CA.
    • This contributes to recent ↑ in anal CA incidence from 19 → 78/100k among HIV+ pts
  • HPV vaccination likely to be effective (NEJM 2011;365:1576)
  • High-grade squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (HSIL) can be a precursor lesion
  • Evidence for screening & tx of HSIL (vs. observation) is limited