

  1. Historical Background of Genetics
    Understand the progression from Darwin and Mendel’s foundational theories through the work of Morgan and Sturtevant, to the identification of DNA’s double-helix structure and the inception of the Human Genome Project.

  2. Understanding Genetic Maps
    Learn to distinguish among various types of genetic maps, including genetic linkage maps, chromosome banding patterns, restriction maps, and DNA sequences.

  3. Linkage and Genetic Association
    Comprehend the relationships between linkage, linkage disequilibrium, haplotypes, and the collection of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data.

  4. Evolution of DNA Sequencing
    Explore the development of DNA sequencing techniques from the early innovations to modern automated high-throughput systems.

  5. Primer Extension Reaction
    Understand the primer extension reaction catalyzed by DNA polymerase and its termination by dideoxynucleoside triphosphates.

  6. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
    Appreciate the significance of PCR for amplifying specific DNA sequences from a mixture.

  7. Sequencing Project Strategies
    Grasp the significance of reads, overlaps, contigs, and assemblies in organizing a sequencing project.

  8. Sequencing Gels and Autoradiography
    Familiarize with the use of sequencing gels and the benefits of fluorescent chain-terminating dideoxynucleoside triphosphates.

  9. Advancements in High-Throughput Sequencing
    Understand recent developments in high-throughput sequencing and the future objectives for its advancement.

  10. Whole-Genome Sequencing Approaches
    Contrast hierarchical whole-genome sequencing strategies using maps and BAC clones with the whole-genome shotgun approach.

  11. Genetic Testing Techniques
    Learn about the methods used in genetic testing based on sequence determination.