

  • Topoisomerase I inhibitors

    • Inhibition of topoisomerase I → ↓ DNA unwinding → ↓ DNA replication and DNA degradation (because of ssDNA breaks)
  • Dosing:

    • 180mg/BSA in mCRC
    • 125 mg/m2 × 4 wks w/ 2 wks rest. Homozygous for UGT1A1*28 allele & hepatic impairment (Tbili > ULN): ↓ dose, no specific adjustments suggested
  • PK/PD: Extensive extravascular distribution, active drug (SN-38) hepatically glucuronidated via UGT1A1, renal excretion (25%), remainder eliminated via hepatic metabolism & biliary excretion, T1/2 6-12 h (irinotecan), 10-20 h (SN-38)

  • AEs:

  • detail: Adverse Reactions 󰒖

    • Diarrhea (DLT, early & delayed),
    • Pulmonary toxicity (irinotecan)
    • myelosuppression (neutropenia),
    • abdominal pain,
    • N/V (mod. emetogenic potential),
    • alopecia,
    • fatigue,
    • ↑ LFTs & Tbili,
    • pulmonary tox (uncommon)
  • DDI: CYP3A4 inducers/inhibitors (↓/↑ conc. of irinotecan)

  • Clinical pearls:

    • Diarrhea <24 h: Acute cholinergic effect produced by inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by prodrug, treat w/ atropine.
    • Diarrhea >24 h: Mucosal cytotoxicity, treat w/ loperamide &/or octreotide.
    • Liposomal irinotecan (Onivyde) for tx of metastatic pancreatic CA in combination w/ 5-FU refractory to gemcitabine

  • Note: FOLFIRI regimens may also be administered in combination with bevacizumab (Ref), cetuximab (Ref), panitumumab (Ref), ramucirumab (Ref), or ziv-aflibercept (Ref); refer to protocols for further information.
  • IV: 180 mg/m2 over 90 minutes on days 1, 15, and 29 of a 6-week cycle (in combination with infusional leucovorin and bolus/infusion fluorouracil; leucovorin administered immediately following irinotecan; fluorouracil immediately following leucovorin); continue until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.
  • Adjusted dose level −1: 150 mg/m2.
  • Adjusted dose level −2: 120 mg/m2.
  • Further adjust if needed in decrements of ~20%.