
🌱 來自: AEs of Fluorouracil

coronary artery vasospasm

  • The underlying mechanism of coronary vasospasm is → likely the result of

    • endothelial dysfunction
    • caused by 5-FU and its active metabolites.
  • Endothelial dysfunction is → thought to be due to an increase in the release of

    • endothelin-1, a vasoconstrictor,
    • decrease in the release of prostacyclin, a vasodilatator
  • 5-FU-Associated Coronary Vasospasm: Who is → Really at ↣ Risk? - American College of Cardiology

  • In the largest single-center retrospective cohort of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) associated coronary vasospasm,

    • younger patients with lower rates of baseline cardiovascular risk factors were at ↣ a higher risk of developing coronary vasospasm.
  • The 5-FU dose received by patients with vasospasm was significantly lower than that for patients without vasospasm;

    • however, there was no significant difference in progression-free or overall survival among patients with coronary vasospasm compared with those who did not develop vasospasm.
  • Younger patients may require closer monitoring

    • and lower threshold for workup of any chest discomfort in the setting of 5-FU therapy.