
axillary lymph node staging-of-Clinical Pathway-of-breast cancer

  • SLNB should be performed and is → the preferred method of axillary lymph node staging if the patient is → an appropriate SLNB candidate
  • In the absence of definitive data demonstrating superior survival, the performance of axillary staging may be considered optional in patients who have particularly favorable tumors, patients for whom the selection of adjuvant systemic and/or RT is → unlikely to be affected, the elderly, or those with serious comorbid conditions.
  • Level III dissection to the thoracic inlet should be performed only in cases with gross disease in level II and/or lll. In the absence of gross disease in level II nodes, lymph node dissection should include tissue inferior to the axillary vein from the latissimus dorsi muscle laterally to the medial border of the pectoralis minor muscle (level I/II).