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Anal cancer, SqCC, cT___N___M___, dx on ___/___/___

  • Initial presentation:
  • Treatment plan: definitive CCRT and longterm observation
  • 2010/00/00: Explain the purpose of neoadjuvant CCRT, the goal is to decrease recurrence/metastasis as possible, not guarantee cure!! Thus regular follow up is still needed.
  • 2010/00/00 Explain the rationale and strategy with CCRT followed by longterm observation. CCRT (5 weeks) with C/T during week 1 nd week 5. C/T regimen with Mitomycin-C(10mg/m2)/5-FU. Side effects included GI upset(N/V, diarrhea, mucosotis, anal area dermatitis), hair loss, marrow suppression, infection…
  • RT scheduled since 00/00~ @ Arrange admission for #1 MMC(10mg/m2)/5-FU(1000mg/m2) on 00/00 and check lab, and arrange admission @ Vascular assessment (PICC), nutritional assessment before chemotherapy, pharmacist education @ GYN check for risk of cervical cancer and check HIV, explain to patient. Explain AEs of MMC/5FU 5FU: diarrhea (55%), hand-foot syndrome (15-20%), nausea/vomiting, elevations in LFT, and myelosuppression MMC: ** myelosuppression, nausea/vomting, mucositis, potent vesicant (extravasation can lead to tissue necrosis and chemical thrombophlebitis at the site of injection), anorexia, fatigue, HUS in rare events, intestinal pneumonitis, hepatoveno occlusive disease, and chemical cystitis and bladder contraction. **Emphasize the importance of nutrional support (high protein diet) during C/T period.