Graves’ disease

  • ♀:♂ ratio is 5–10:1, most Pts between 40 and 60 y at dx
  • ⊕ thyroid antibodies: TSI or TBII (⊕ in 80%), anti-TPO, antithyroglobulin; ANA
  • Clinical manifestations in addition to those of hyperthyroidism (see above): Goiter: diffuse, nontender, w/ thyroid bruit Ophthalmopathy (NEJM 2010;362:726): seen in 50%; up to 90% if formally tested. Periorbital edema, lid retraction, proptosis, conjunctivitis, diplopia (EOM infiltration); associated w/ smoking. Stare and lid lag seen in any type of hyperthyroidism. Pretibial myxedema (3%): infiltrative dermopathy