
(Lancet 2016;388:187)

  • X-linked recessive factor VIII (hemophilia A) or factor IX (hemophilia B) deficiency
  • Classification: mild (5–25% normal factor activity), moderate (1–5%), or severe (<1%)
  • Clinical manifestations: hematomas, hemarthroses, bruising, bleeding (mucosal, GI, GU)
  • Diagnosis: ↑ PTT (normalizes w/mixing study), normal PT & vWF, ↓ factor VIII or IX
  • Prophylaxis indicated if <1% activity of factor VIII or IX
  • Rx: purified/recomb. factor VIII or IX; desmopressin (mild disease); anti-fibrinolytics (aminocaproic acid; tranexamic acid); cryo (FVIII); emicizumab (bridges factor IX and X), effective for hemophilia A w/ and w/o inhibitors (NEJM 2017;377:809 & 2018;379:811)