

  • FLT3 突變會導致 AML 病人的 → 預後 ✖ 不良
  • midostaurin 成 為:全球第一個一線治療 FLT3 突變陽性 AML 的 → 標靶藥物。
  • 台灣 FDA 也於 2018 年 4 月核准 midostaurin,核准的 → 適應症 為:
  • 新確診 為:FLT3 突變陽性的 → AML 成年病人之標準前導 (daunorubicin 併用 cytarabine) 與鞏固性化療 (高劑量 cytarabine) 時合併使用。

Midostaurin plus Chemotherapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia with a FLT3 Mutation | New England Journal of Medicine

Midostaurin Plus Chemotherapy in FLT3-Mutated Acute Myeloid Leukemia


  • Design: Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center
  • Number of patients: 717
  • Patients characteristics: Patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and a FLT3 mutation, 18 to 59 years of age
  • Agent: Midostaurin plus standard chemotherapy vs placebo plus standard chemotherapy
  • Treatment line: Frontline therapy
  • Trial Name or NCT Number: NCT00651261

Comparison of two groups

EndpointMidostaurin + ChemotherapyPlacebo + Chemotherapy
Overall SurvivalHazard ratio for death, 0.78 (one-sided P=0.009)-
Event-Free SurvivalHazard ratio for event or death, 0.78 (one-sided P=0.002)-

Other findings

  • The benefit of midostaurin was consistent across all FLT3 subtypes (ITD [high], ITD [low], and TKD)
  • The rate of severe adverse events was similar in the two groups
  • Allogeneic transplantation was allowed in both groups

Summary In this phase 3 trial, the addition of midostaurin, a multitargeted kinase inhibitor, to standard chemotherapy significantly prolonged overall and event-free survival in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and a FLT3 mutation. The benefit of midostaurin was consistent across all FLT3 subtypes, and the rate of severe adverse events was similar in both groups.

  • 兩組常見的 → 副作用皆 為:
    • 貧血、
    • 嗜中性白血球低下、
    • 血小板低下、
    • 淋巴球減少 ↓ 、
    • 嗜中性白血球低下合併發燒、
    • 感染、
    • 腹瀉、
    • 低血鉀等,midostaurin 加標準化療組有較多貧血及皮疹的 → 副作用 (P<0.05) 。