Prinzmetal’s variant angina

變異型心絞痛(Prinzmetal’s angina) 是:一種在  💥 沒有活動或 是:在  睡眠時所發生的  胸痛

  • 致病機轉 是:冠狀動脈痙攣,常發生在  年輕女性,占所有心絞痛約 2~10%
  • 吸煙、高胰島素血症、胰島素抵抗 是:其重要危險因素(Prinzmetal angina is 󰶻 a syndrome typically consisting of chest pain at rest that occurs in cycles. It is 󰶻 caused by vasospasm. It occurs more in younger women)

  • Coronary spasm →
    • transient STE usually w/o MI
    • (but MI, AVB, VT can occur)
  • Pts usually
    • young, smokers
    • ± other vasospastic disorders
    • (eg, migraines, Raynaud’s)
  • Angiography:
    • nonobstructive CAD
    • (spasm can be provoked during cath but rarely done)
  • Treatment of Prinzmetals variant angina
  • Cocaine-induced vasospasm:
    • CCB,
    • nitrates,
    • ASA;
    • ? avoid βB,
      • but labetalol appears safe