
Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma


(NEJM 2019;380:1450) Hepatocellular Carcinoma | NEJM

  • Localized disease (goal = cure) → resection if feasible (preferred), ablation, transarterial chemoembolization, or radiotherapy (SBRT) also options. Inadequate hepatic reserve → liver transplant if able (NEJM 1996;334:693); non-surgical local and/or systemic Rx if not.
  • Systemic Rx:


  • First: Atezolizumab + bevacizumab 19.2 months
  • First/second Sorafenib: 14.6-10.7 months/
  • lenvatinib: 13.7
  • 3er: Regorafenib: 10.6 months
  • Cabozantinib: 10.2 months
  • Ramucirumab (AFP >400): 8.1 months (HCC; qv in Heme-Onc) (Nature Reviews 2021;7:6)
  • ↑ risk w/ cirrhosis of any type (leading cause of death in cirrhosis, 1–6%/y) but esp. ↑ w/ viral (Hep B/C~3–8%/y), concomitant EtOH use, obesity related NASH, HFE or diabetes
  • Clinical: asx vs. hepatic decompensation (eg, ascites, HE), PVT w/ tumor thrombus
  • Dx: screen Pts w/ cirrhosis q6mo w/ U/S ± AFP; alternative is dual-phase CT/MRI
  • Rx: see “HCC” in Heme-Onc