Polymyalgia rheumatica

(JAMA 2016;315:2442; Lancet 2017;390:1700)

  • Prev 7/1000 of age ≥50.
  • In 50% of GCA Pts; 15% of PMR Pts develop GCA. ♀:♂ ≈ 2.
  • ESR >40 mm/h (and/or ↑ CRP);

clinical manifestations

  • bilateral pain & morning stiffness (>30 min),
  • involving 2 of 3 areas:
    • neck or torso, shoulders or prox arms, hips or prox. thighs;
    • nighttime pain;
    • ± subdeltoid bursitis on U/S;
  • exclude other causes of sx (eg, RA); nl CK


  • pred 12.5–25 mg/d;
    • if clinical response,
      • initiate slow taper.
    • If not,
      • consider alternate dx or ↑ dose.
  • Consider MTX if at ↑ risk of steroid side effects (Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:1799).