
Reasons for failure to improve on initial treatment of pneumonia

  • Insufficient time:
    • may take ≥72 h to see improvement
    • (fever persists >4 d in ~20%)
  • Insufficient drug levels for lung penetration
    • eg, vanco trough <15–20 μg/mL
  • Resistant organisms or superinfxn:
    • eg, MRSA, Pseudo.;
    • consider bronchoscopy
  • Wrong dx:
    • fungal/viral, chemical pneumonitis,
    • PE, CHF, ARDS, DAH, ILD;
    • consider CT
  • Parapneumonic effusion/empyema/abscess:
    • if CXR ⊖, consider bedside US or CT.
    • If effusion >1 cm, drain & send fluid pH, gluc, Gram stain & Cx.
  • Metastatic infection
    • eg, endocarditis, septic arthritis