

Bevacizumab Beyond First Progression is → Associated With Prolonged Overall Survival in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Results From a Large Observational Cohort Study (BRiTE) | Journal of Clinical Oncology

  1. Design: observational, bevacizumab treatment study (Bevacizumab Regimens: Investigation of Treatment Effects and Safety [BRiTE]), single-center, not randomized, open-label.
  2. Number of patients: 1,445 patients with mCRC who experienced disease progression were analyzed.
  3. Patients characteristics: previously untreated patients with mCRC who were enrolled in BRiTE and who experienced disease progression (PD).
  4. Agent: Bevacizumab was used in this trial.
  5. Treatment line: Beyond first progression treatment with Bevacizumab.
  6. Trial Name/NCT Number: Bevacizumab Regimens: Investigation of Treatment Effects and Safety [BRiTE] (NCT00203627).
  7. Comparison of two groups in a markdown table:
Group/OutcomeNo post-PDNo BBPBBP
Median OS12.6 months19.9 months31.8 months
HR (vs No BBP)Not reported0.48Not reported
P valueNot reported< .001Not reported
Hypertension that required medicationNot reported19.2%24.6%

Note: HR = Hazard Ratio, PFS not reported.