🌱 來自: rheumatoid arthritis
laboratory and radiologic studies of rheumatoid arthritis
- RF (IgM/IgA/IgG anti-IgGAb) positive in ~70%;
- also seen in other rheumatic diseases
- (SLE, Sjögren’s),
- cryoglobulinemia,
- infection (SBE, hepatitis, TB),
- ~5% of healthy population.
- also seen in other rheumatic diseases
- Anti-CCP (Ab to cyclic citrullinated peptide) positive in ~70% of patients with RA,
- similar sensitivity but higher specificity (>90%) than RF,
- particularly for early RA;
- associated with increased joint damage and low remission rates (Arth Rheum 2009;61:1472).
- Approximately 20% of patients are seronegative (RF and anti-CCP negative).
- Increased ESR/CRP but normal in ~30%; positive ANA in ~40%; increased globulin levels during periods of active disease.
- Radiographs of hands and wrists show
- periarticular osteopenia,
- bone erosions, and
- joint subluxation.
- Increasing use of MSK U/S (musculoskeletal ultrasound) to diagnose
- synovitis,
- tenosynovitis, and
- erosive disease.