
🌱 來自: hematopathology

morphology of reactive lymphocytes and plasma cell

  • Atypical is probably the least suitable term to describe the reactive lymphocytes
  • because it implies that the cells are abnormal when in fact the lymphocytes are reacting to antigen in a normal manner.
    • Reactive lymphocyte
    • Reactive immunoblast
    • Plasmacytoid lymphocyte
    • Plasma cell

Morphologic changes in reactive lymphocytes

  • Shape and size
    • pleomorphic; heterogeneous population of various shapes and sizes increased cytoplasm quantity and basophilia
  • Cytoplasm
    • presence of azurophilic granules, pale Golgi zone and cytoplasmic vacuoles
  • Nucleus: variation in nuclear size and shape; irregular, elongated, stretched, occasionally round
    • chromatin: reduced chromatin condensation
    • nucleolus: presence of nucleolus


  • azurophilic granules 愛藍天的 → 粒
  • pale Golgi zone 白色的 → 枸杞粽
  • cytoplasmic vacuoles 在質打泡
  • Presence of nucleolus 求仁得仁

cf monocyte

  • monocyte 比較愛打泡