
extramedullary plasmacytoma

  • rare
  • disorder
  • similar to multiple myeloma.
  • not myeloma cells in the bone marrow or throughout the body.
  • a tumor composed of plasma cells that is restricted to a single area of the body.
  • in a bone but sometimes an organ.
  • presence of plasma cells
  • but additional tests do not reveal signs of multiple myeloma.

We look for such signs as myeloma-associated proteins in the blood and urine, or myeloma cells in the bone marrow. 我們尋找血液和尿液中的骨髓瘤相關蛋白或骨髓中的骨髓瘤細胞等跡象。

Solitary plasmacytoma of the bone can sometimes be cured with radiation therapy or surgery to destroy or remove the tumor. However, 70 percent of people with solitary plasmacytoma eventually develop multiple myeloma. They then need additional treatment, such as chemotherapy. This may possibly be combined with a stem cell transplant. 骨骼的孤立性漿細胞瘤有時可以通過放射療法或手術來破壞或切除腫瘤來治癒。然而,70% 的孤立性漿細胞瘤患者最終會發展為多發性骨髓瘤。然後他們需要額外的治療,例如化學療法。這可能與乾細胞移植相結合。