
🌱 來自:transfusion therapy

Blood Products and Indications

  • Packed red blood cells (PRBCs)
    • For acute blood loss or to ↑ O2-carrying capacity if end organ ischemia. 1 U PRBC → ↑ Hb by ~1 g/dL. Hb goal >7 g/dL adequate for UGIB & critically ill (NEJM 2013;368:11 & 2014;371:1381), ≥8 in acute MI and peri-cardiac surgery (NEJM 2018;379;1224; JAMA 2021;325:552).
  • Platelets transfusion (plts) (Annals Int Med 2015;162:205)
  • Fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
    • Contains all coagulation factors.
    • For bleeding due to defic. of multiple coag factors (eg, DIC, TTP/HUS, liver disease, dilution).
    • Nb, reverse warfarin w/ Kcentra = 4 factor PCC (JACC 2020;76:594).
  • Cryoprecipitate
    • Enriched for fibrinogen, vWF, VIII, and XIII.
    • 1st line for fibrinogen <100 mg/dL.
    • For bleeding in vWD factor XIII deficiency, use if other products not available.

  • Irradiated
    • Prevents donor T-cell engraftment and risk of transfusion-assoc. GVHD (HSCT, heme malignancy, congenital immunodeficiency).
  • CMV-negative
    • From CMV-negative donors. For CMV-seronegative pregnant women, transplant candidates/recipients, SCID, AIDS Pts.
  • Leuko- reduced
    • WBCs cause HLA alloimmunization & fever (cytokines) and carry CMV. For chronically transfused Pts, potential Tx recip., h/o febrile nonhemolytic transfusion rxn, cases in which CMV-neg products desired but unavailable.
  • IV immune globulin (IVIg)
    • Polyvalent IgG from >1000 donors. For postexposure prophylaxis (eg, HAV), certain autoimmune disorders (eg, ITP, Guillain-Barré, MG, CIDP), congenital or acquired hypogammaglobulinemia (CVID, CLL).
  • Therapeutic apheresis
    • Removes plasma large molec wt subst. (eg, cryoglobulinemia, Goodpasture’s, Guillain-Barré, hyperviscosity syndrome), or cells (eg, leukemia w/ hyperleukocytosis, sx thrombocytosis) from plasma. TTP: replace ADAMTS13. RBC exchange for SCD acute chest or stroke.
  • Massive transfusion