
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Other Systemic Disorders Associated with Nephrotic-Range Proteinuria🚧 施工中

Other Systemic Disorders Associated with Nephrotic-Range Proteinuria

•   Diabetes:

-   Leading cause of glomerular disease and kidney failure in the United States

-   Hyperglycemia causes hyperfiltration through the glomeruli, leading to strain, scarring, proteinuria, and, eventually, a decrease in eGFR

-   Glycemic control and treatment of proteinuria may slow CKD progression

•   Amyloidosis:

-   Abnormally-folded proteins deposit in the glomeruli resulting in impaired function and proteinuria

-   Dialysis-related amyloidosis is not typically a cause of nephrotic syndrome

•   HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN):

-   Manifests as hematuria, proteinuria, edema with enlarged kidneys

-   Collapsing FSGS on pathology

-   Glucocorticoids for treatment are controversial

•   Lupus nephritis:

-   Divided into six subclasses (class I–VI) based histological appearance. Nephrotic syndrome typically seen in class III to VI. Also see Rheumatology Chapter 9.

   Class I: Minimal mesangial LN (no changes on light microscopy)

   Class II: Mesangial proliferative LN (mesangial changes on light microscopy)

   Class III: Focal LN (<50% of glomeruli involved)

   Class IV: Diffuse LN (>50% of glomeruli involved)

   Class V: Lupus membranous nephropathy (diffuse capillary wall thickening)

   Class VI: Advanced sclerosing LN (90% sclerosing glomeruli, often bland urine sediment)