disease classification and manifestations of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
(WHO; NCCN v 2.2022)
Chronic phase (CP) 🌻
- <15% blasts (peripheral or bone marrow).
- Risk stratification based on
- Sokal score (Blood 1984;63:789)
- Euro scores (J Clin Pathol 2001;54:491)
- (3–5y pre-TKI)
- 85% of pts, asx, no criteria for accelerated or blast crisis
Accelerated phase (AP) 🩰
15% blasts, or 10-19% blasts in PB or bone marrow
- ≥20% basos, of total in blood or bone marrow
- (12–18 mos pre-TKI)
- plts <100k,
- clonal evolution (karyotype changes) not seen at dx
- progressive splenomegaly
Blastic phase (BP) 🤯
- ≥20% blasts (peripheral or marrow)
- and/or extramedullary leukemia
- Most asx or may have mild constitutional s/s related to splenomegaly.
disease progression
- worsening constitutional sx
- bone pain
- ↑ spleen size