

**explain AEs such as hypertension (30%), yellowish discoloration of skin, dryness, thickness, and/or cracking of skin, depigmentation of hair and/or skin, bleeding complications with epistaxis, fatigue, diarrhea, stomatitis, myelosuppression, CHF, and adrenal insufficiency and hypothyroidism .AETAM **explain the risk of tamoxifen, such as menopausal syndrome of hot flush, arthragia, possible infertility, abnormal LFTs, increased risk of thrombosis, dyslipidemia (f/u Qyear, if TG>500, consider treatment, if 200~500 diet control) and endometrial hyperplasia and possible endometrial cancer but rare **Suggest closely follow-up clinical discomfort s/s and return to clinics if s/s progressed or any suspicious.
