
🌱 來自: Nutrition in the ICU

glycemic management in the ICU setting🚧 施工中

Management of hyperglycemia in inPts

Hyperglycemia is associated with critical illness due many different factors including increased cortisol secretion, gluconeogenesis, and insulin resistance.

Hyperglycemia is associated with poor outcomes and insulin therapy for glucose control is the standard of care. Several studies have investigated the optimal blood glucose goals in critically ill patients. In the NICE-SUGAR trial, a more-stringent blood glucose target of 81—108 mg per deciliter was associated with increased mortality in adult patients admitted to the ICU, as compared with blood glucose target of 180 mg or less per deciliter. As a result, insulin therapy for glucose control to a more liberal blood glucose target range of 140–180 mg per deciliter is often the goal in critically ill adults.